
The Eight Early Signs of Labor


The Eight Early Signs of Labor

You have been counting the months and weeks to the expected date of arrival of your newborn. Your excitement is growing as your delivery schedule draws ever so near.

But at the same time, you are feeling anxious about what will happen when the counting down of weeks turns into the counting down of days. Will you know when it is your time to go to the hospital? What are the signs that you are in labor? 

Read on to find out.


What is labor?

First, let’s define labor. Labor is the last stage of the pregnancy journey prior to the delivery of the baby, where the fetus and the placenta leave the uterus. Once you go into labor, which could last for hours or up to two days, your body is signaling that it is already preparing for the impending arrival of your newborn. During labor, the uterus contracts regularly and the cervix gradually thins out and dilates to allow your baby to pass through.

Being aware of how your body reacts during labor is important so that you can watch out for the common signs that indicate that you are getting into labor and that soon, you will be giving birth.


What are the signs that you should watch out for?

As mentioned above, no two women have the same experience when it comes to labor. Therefore, it may not be that easy to determine if it is currently happening to you. However, there are some common signs that indicate the start of labor. Here are the eight signs:

Baby drop 

Don’t worry. Despite the name, a baby drop is not harmful to your baby. It is actually one of the earliest signs that your body is getting ready to go into labor. A baby drop means that your baby, from the comfort of its initial position, is now moving lower into the pelvis to prepare for delivery. You may feel the need to frequently urinate as your baby presses down into your bladder.

If ever you start to feel that sensation wherein your baby is moving down your pelvis, take note that this usually happens weeks or even just hours before the birth of your child. Your baby might be coming out sooner rather than later!

You have increased or thickened vaginal discharge

Check the consistency and volume of your vaginal discharge. Is there more discharge? Is it also thicker? If yes, you are probably a few days off from the delivery of your newborn. A noticeable increase or thickening of your vaginal discharge – referred to as a mucus plug that protects your uterus from its external environment – is an indication that it has come out or loosened.

This particular discharge you should look for is pinkish in color and is similar to the mucus in our nose when we have colds or allergies.

Your ligaments or joints feel loose and relaxed.

You may notice a loosening of your joints and ligament in the latter stages of pregnancy. This is normal and not a cause for concern. It is actually one of the ways that your body prepares for childbirth. It is because of the pregnancy hormone relaxin coming into play. Its purpose is to slacken and relax your joints or ligaments. This will help your pelvis do its work of letting your newborn pass through during childbirth.

You have a loose bowel movement.

When it comes to relaxation, it’s not limited only to your joints and ligaments relaxing. It also applies to other body functions as well, like your bowel movement. Though it may make us feel uncomfortable and is not exactly pleasant, this is a normal occurrence and is actually a good sign. Just make sure that you stay hydrated to address fluid loss common in diarrhea.

Your cervix is beginning to dilate.

Another way that your body is preparing for the final stages of the birthing process is that your cervix is beginning to open in the weeks or days prior to delivery. This is one of the things that your doctor will keep track of during your visits in the last trimester of your pregnancy. 

The regularity and intensity of contractions are increasing.

One of the most common signs that you have gone into labor is the frequency and intensity of your contractions. If your contractions are occurring at a regular interval, that is a sign that you are in labor. Each contraction may last anywhere from 30 seconds to about a minute. It would be good if you can keep track of the interval between each contraction.

Another sign you should watch out for is if your contractions are becoming more intense. That only means that your labor is progressing. Take note that this kind of intense contraction is one where shifting body positions or trying to walk it off will not help relieve the pain or discomfort. 

There is pain or discomfort in your belly and lower back.

If you’ve had intense menstrual cramps previously, going into labor will feel that way. It also comes with possible stomach discomfort or lower abdominal pressure. Be on the lookout too for pain that radiates down your leg.

To ease the pain or discomfort, you may try to change positions or do some walking. Again, remember that the discomfort or pain that accompanies labor will not be relieved even with these coping strategies.

Your water bag breaks.

A sign that your labor has progressed is when your water bag breaks. Once your membrane bursts and the fluid leaks out of your body in trickles or in one big gush, you may have just entered the final stages of labor. And you know what that means?

The delivery of your baby is imminent!

Remember, each pregnancy and childbirth delivery is a unique experience. You may not feel all of these signs, but we’re sure you’ll definitely feel one of them. Just trust your gut or your instinct and you will most likely know when you have begun to experience the early signs of labor and that it is progressing. 

If you’re really not sure, your best bet is to call your doctor. They will be the best people to tell you what course of action you should take, like if you should go to the hospital immediately or to wait for a few more days.


Get labor support and assistance with Doulas of the Valley.

Having a doula with you during the last stages of pregnancy, all the way up to you giving birth will provide you with the comfort and assurance that you need as you enter the final stages. As an experienced birthing companion, a doula can guide and help you gain the confidence you need to make the childbirth experience more positive and empowering.

If you need help, Doulas of the Valley’s skilled and experienced doulas can be there for you as you welcome your newborn. Getting all the help, comfort and support from a doula as you deliver your baby ensures an amazing experience for you, your partner and your newborn.


Let us help you with skilled, loving care. Contact us and let’s get started. 

Doulas of the Valley will provide equally skilled and loving care to families in Maricopa County that it has offered New York families for nearly 20 years.

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