
Certified Labor Doula Tips: How to Prepare for a Natural Hospital Birth


Certified Labor Doula Tips: How to Prepare for a Natural Hospital Birth

Are you a mom-to-be who wants her birthing experience to be all-natural? Well, here’s some good news: while 3 out of every 4 women has given birth with an epidural, giving birth the natural way still remains an option for childbearing women!

Of course, you might be wondering how exactly to go about it, especially if it’s your first time to be giving birth.

Well, not to worry: this article is for you! Keep on reading to find out more about natural birth, and what you can do to prepare for it! 


What is natural birth?

Natural childbirth is often regarded as vaginal birth with limited medication or medical intervention – sometimes even none at all! Women who choose natural delivery are confident in their bodies ability to give birth. 

During childbirth, your cervix, uterus, pelvis, and birth canal – aided by pain signals to the brain that releases oxytocin that facilitates contractions – work in tandem in the delivery process. And while it does sound painful (and it usually is), the women who choose to go on this route trust nature’s childbirth plan and design without the aid of machines or medicines. 


What is the case for giving birth naturally?

Women who decide to deliver the natural way say that they love the challenge. They also say that they find meaning and satisfaction in getting the birthing process done even if it’s hard work, entails sacrifices, and causes a lot of pain and discomfort. 

Another reason cited is that going natural helps them to avoid medication that might cause harm to their little ones and to themselves in the long run. 


Certified Labor Doula tips on preparing for a natural hospital birth

If you are still at the early stages of your pregnancy journey or even if you are already decided on doing this naturally, check out our tips on preparing for a natural hospital birth.


1. Know your why.

Do you really have a good reason to go natural? Remember, once you decide to do this without medication, your childbirth experience may not be easy and will take a lot of courage and commitment. You need to have a deep desire for wanting to go natural as your preparation will focus on keeping you and your baby safe during delivery. 


2. Prepare yourself mentally.  

Try to avoid stories that put fear into the birthing experience. Instead, surround yourself with positivity and a strong circle of support. Family and friends can provide you with the morale boost needed when things become tough during pregnancy and labor.


3. Enroll in childbirth classes.

Childbirth education sessions provide you with an extensive and solid knowledge base that will help you understand how labor and birth work. Childbirth classes also offer the perfect opportunity to ask questions you may have regarding the pros and cons of natural childbirth. 

As the saying goes, knowledge is power!


4. Learn pain management techniques

As we mentioned above, giving birth naturally will be painful. If you don’t plan on taking any medication, you better learn some pain management techniques. These techniques are usually taught in childbirth classes. 

One such technique is the use of water, whether through showers, birthing pools, or hot compresses. You should also learn techniques in terms of positioning yourself for least painful outcomes and where you can get the most comfort possible. 

And look, there’s no sugarcoating contractions. At the end of the day, they are painful. And they will not go away until you have given birth, or take an epidural. If you want to stick to natural birth, you need to learn how to deal with contractions!


5. Have a “natural” birth plan.

Come up with a natural birth plan that clearly reflects what you want to happen before, during, and after delivery. Your birth plan should also include preferences when it comes to the person accompanying you in the delivery room, no medication or medical intervention unless absolutely necessary, breastfeeding instructions, or even your room’s physical environment. Make sure your wishes for natural birth is clearly spelled out but do leave room for flexibility.

Of course, in our professional, experienced, opinion, it is best to have a certified labor doula on board to discuss your preference with. That way, you can be sure you have someone on your side to ensure your plan will be followed to a tee as much as possible.


6. Choose a healthcare provider or hospital that supports natural childbirth. 

Do take note that not all hospitals will agree to your plan of giving birth naturally. So it’s best that you decide on a hospital where your decision will be supported.

Make a list of healthcare providers or medical facilities that support and are conducive to natural childbirth. There are advocates of natural childbirth among medical professionals. It would be good if you can find one that is as invested in natural childbirth as you are.


7. Prepare yourself physically as well.

Giving birth naturally would be akin to an athlete competing in a sport. So just like athletes preparing for their events, our advice to you is to physically prepare for childbirth. Your body will go through plenty of pain!

Of course, we don’t mean you should go to the gym and start lifting weights or something. That is probably not going to be good for you or for your baby. But what you can do is start an exercise routine during the early stage of pregnancy to build up your energy and stamina. Adjust your exercise regimen accordingly as your pregnancy progresses.

During labor, be sure to move around. Dance to your favorite music even during labor. Just make sure you confer with your doctor to get their support.

But trust us, moving around will make things easier for you, especially when it comes to finally delivering your baby. 


Bring a doula on board your natural pregnancy and birth journey.

We hope these tips have helped you get ready to give birth naturally. But if you feel like you need a bit more support, then again, our professional and experienced recommendation is to get the services of a doula.

This is the best way to ensure a successful natural childbirth experience. While your partner, family, or friends may offer to be there for you, nothing beats having a trained and experienced doula. Your doula will help you navigate the physical, emotional, and informational pathways to ensure you have a positive natural birth experience.

Having a certified labor doula to help you get in the right headspace before, during, and after labor while in the hospital brings comfort and confidence to you and your baby. A doula can help you ride the waves of pain brought about by contractions and help you to focus on your natural childbirth goal.

If you want an amazing pregnancy, labor, and delivery experience, Doulas of the Valley can help. Our trained, experienced and certified labor doula can be a key part of making your medication and medical intervention-free natural childbirth journey worthwhile.

Allow our doulas to be your precious gems for your natural birth experience. Contact us today so we can accompany you on your amazing natural childbirth journey.

Doulas of the Valley will provide equally skilled and loving care to families in Maricopa County that it has offered New York families for nearly 20 years.

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