
Health is Wealth: Taking Care of Your Body Post Pregnancy


Health is Wealth: Taking Care of Your Body Post Pregnancy

Balancing act: eating right 

Congratulations on becoming a new mom! Now you are given the glorious task of taking care not just of your baby, but most especially yourself. Taking good care of your body is as important as ensuring that the needs of your child are met. After exerting much effort to your body during labor, every mother needs to heal, rest, and recuperate. A lot of things have changed after pregnancy, starting from your body up to your everyday routine and plans. With all the changes that you are currently facing, you need to be able to withstand all the challenges that you will have to deal with- and this begins with your body. In order to keep your body healthy, what you put into it should be given much thought. Out with the junk, and in with everything nutritious. For better nutrition, you must be able to maintain a well-balanced diet containing the following food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and protein. Remember to not skip meals! When you feel hungry, this is your body’s signal for you to eat- and eat right! By maintaining a well-balanced diet, it can help boost your energy throughout the day, especially when you are breastfeeding. To know more about post pregnancy care, seek out the advice of a postpartum doula. Doulas of the Valley is the name of choice for postpartum doula services and post-pregnancy care. Visit their website to learn more. 

Rebuilding yourself

Building yourself back up from the ground up after pregnancy can be tough. There may be days when you just feel so off about yourself, and there are days when you catch yourself to be so motivated to jumpstart the day. Not to worry, as this is normal. Every pregnant woman will experience emotional, physical, and other kinds of changes postpartum. The period for postpartum lasts approximately six to eight weeks. Postpartum period involves a mother embarking on the road to discovery not just about herself as a new mother, but learning how to function with a welcome addition to the family. In the road to rebuilding one’s self post pregnancy, a lot is involved- getting plenty of rest, taking charge of your body with good nutrition, getting back to the groove of things with exercise for strength building, and learning the ropes on parenthood. Doulas of the Valley can guide you through your journey post pregnancy. For more information, head over to their website.   

Help is on the way 

On a good day, it is recommended that a person gets an average of eight hours of sleep a day. However, once you become a new mother, your sleeping patterns will change to be in tuned with your new born child. On average, a newborn wakes up every three hours. In these intervals, you will have to feed your child, change his or her diaper, and lull him or her back to sleep once the crying starts. Child rearing can be stressful and may take a toll on you. Do not hesitate to seek help from other people! Remember, it takes a village to raise a child, you can opt not to do this alone. Anyone can be of help to you to do little chores at home, or simply watching over your child for even a day. Your family or even your friends are more than willing to be your support group in helping you raise your child. Postpartum doulas are also there for you to help guide you and be your support in every step of the way. Let Doulas of the Valley be the help that you need post pregnancy. Learn more about postpartum doulas and post pregnancy care through the Doulas of the Valley website.  

Rest when you must 

We cannot stress enough the importance of catching up on your much needed z’s. That having been said, there are a couple of things that you can employ to get some rest in a day. Having someone help around the house with small chores to lighten up a mother’s load can help her focus her attention towards taking care of herself and the baby for the first few weeks after child birth. You can also match your sleeping time with your baby, so that even for a couple of hours, you will be able to have uninterrupted sleep while your baby is off to dreamland. Rest can also come in the form of giving yourself some quality time outside of the house for a quick stroll. It can also mean not having to feel the need to meet family or friends if you simply just want some peace and quiet to yourself. For more information on post pregnancy care, Doulas of the Valley is the one for you. Check out their website to learn more.

Doulas of the Valley will provide equally skilled and loving care to families in Maricopa County that it has offered New York families for nearly 20 years.

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