
Can I Deliver a Big Baby? How Doulas Can Help


Can I Deliver a Big Baby? How Doulas Can Help

Ah, babies. Aren’t they just adorable? They are the life and joy of moms and families. In whatever size or whatever weight they have when they come into this world, we love and adore them all just the same.

Speaking of size, you might find yourself wondering at times how big your baby will really be. You’ve heard plenty of stories of babies being huge – will you really be able to deliver your baby successfully?

What is considered a big baby?

Let’s go first to how a “big baby” is truly defined. A baby that is considered normal measures 18 to 22 inches in length and weighs between 2.5 to 4.5 kgs

A baby that is more than 22 inches in length and weighs more than 4.5 kgs is considered larger than normal. In the medical field, this is known as ‘fetal macrosomia’ and large for gestational age (LGA). 

Why do babies become larger than normal?

Various factors come into play regarding the size and weight of a baby as they grow in moms’ tummies. Genetics, for one thing, plays a role. If both parents are tall and hefty, there is a chance that the baby in the mom’s tummy will be big.

A pregnant woman’s health is also a factor. If for example, you are obese or have diabetes, chances are that you will deliver a big baby. Therefore, you should try to get into better health before and during your pregnancy. You should also watch out for weight gain while you are pregnant. 

And did you know that when you are expecting a boy, there is a chance that it is a big baby? The reason for this is that boys tend to be biologically larger than girls. Pregnant women over the age of 35 also have an increased chance of delivering a big baby.

Other factors that may result in a big baby in your tummy include previous pregnancies and overdue pregnancies.

How will I know the true size of my baby?

Until you have actually given birth, you have no way of knowing the exact height, weight, or size of the baby in your tummy. Don’t worry though: there are other ways to estimate the height or length of your baby. 

During prenatal check-ups, your doctor or midwife will measure the area from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus to measure the baby’s fundal height. 

An ultrasound may also be used to estimate your baby’s weight although accuracy is not its strong feature. Height measurement done by ultrasound is usually off by 15 – 20%.

Tap into your innate power and strength during the birthing process.

Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. The continuity of life has largely been at the hands of women. You must recognize the inherent power of your biological function that gives life to another human being.

Giving birth is a natural part of life. And most of the time, women are able to safely and confidently give birth to babies naturally, even babies that are larger than usual. 

How can doulas help in delivering big babies?

As mentioned above, delivering a big baby is not automatically a cause for concern. Eight percent of births worldwide are considered big babies, and their delivery went off without a hitch. 

Of course, having a doula as part of the support team may help. With the help of a doula as a deeply personal and intimate birth companion, you are assured that you have somebody by your side who knows your body, your needs and desired positive outcomes, and what is best for you and your baby.

Studies have shown that pregnant women who have doulas as birth companions report a more positive birthing experience. That includes even women who are delivering big babies!

Here are the two specific ways doulas can help:

Doulas are sources of informational, emotional, and physical support for moms with big babies.

One way that a doula can help moms is to thoroughly discuss the risks of big babies. Remember that a doula is a mom’s birth companion who can provide informational support. Doulas can discuss risks such as possible complications during labor that may require caesarian delivery.

In addition to the risks for moms, a doula may also provide informational support about the risks to babies if they are larger than normal. These include babies having lower than normal blood sugar levels or the development of metabolic syndrome. This is characterized by challenges in blood pressure and blood sugar level. It may also include excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels. In extreme cases, it may lead to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Also, as a source of emotional support, a doula can also sensitively discuss what may happen to a woman’s body during the delivery of a big baby. This includes talking about genital tract lacerations or the tearing of vaginal tissue and the muscle found in the area around the vagina. A doula can also help moms prepare for the possibility of heaving bleeding after surgery due to uterine rupture or difficulty in proper muscle contraction.

Doulas help enable a positive birth experience.

During delivery, a doula can help women articulate their needs, what they are feeling, and their sources of discomfort or pain. While you focus your attention and energy on the safe delivery of a big baby, your doula can and will serve as your source of support and comfort for you and your needs. Pregnant women who have their doulas by their sides during labor and delivery have been able to deliver babies naturally. This has resulted in a 25% reduction in time spent on labor and a 39% lesser need for c-section.

Your doulas can physically support delivery by coaching your big baby into an optimal birthing position while at the same time preparing your pelvis for your baby’s arrival. You can also ask your doula if you can move around to help in the delivery. They can even give you a massage (if allowed by the doctors) to help relieve pain and discomfort.

Having a doula during labor and delivery can also help increase your confidence in delivering a big baby without any complications or the need for medical intervention. If you feel anxious or concerned about the size of your baby and how it will affect your body during delivery, a quick discussion with your doula may help reassure you and relieve you from any stress you may be feeling.

Our doulas are perfect for your big baby birthing needs.

At Doulas of the Valley, we know how important this moment in your life is. We are here to support and advocate for the good of you and your baby. We are confident that our doulas are the right doula for your needs.

If you are a mom expecting to deliver a big baby and you feel the need for a trustworthy and dependable source of deeply personal and focused support and care, we are here for you.

Contact us today and let’s get started.

Doulas of the Valley will provide equally skilled and loving care to families in Maricopa County that it has offered New York families for nearly 20 years.

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