
Labor Doula Tips: Ways to Relieve Morning Sickness During Pregnancy


Labor Doula Tips: Ways to Relieve Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant and in your first trimester, you might start feeling some soreness in your chest area. Not only that, you might also find yourself going to the bathroom plenty of times during the day.

Don’t be alarmed. Since you’re pregnant, some changes in your body will really occur. That includes your hormones.

In fact, you might start feeling queasy real soon.

This condition is called morning sickness, and it’s an experience quite common to pregnant women. According to Better Health Channel, 50-60% of all pregnant women will experience it to some degree, particularly in the first trimester.

However, not all women are the same. For example, some experience it only during the start of their second trimester. 20% of pregnant women may even experience morning sickness for the whole duration of their pregnancy! 

Now, if you’re a mother-to-be, there’s a huge chance that you will experience or are already experiencing morning sickness. But don’t worry. We’ll discuss some of the ways you can get relief.


What are the symptoms of morning sickness?

Common symptoms of morning sickness are nausea and vomiting are its common symptoms. It’s more prevalent during mornings, hence the name. 

However, morning sickness can also strike at any given point within the day. The queasy feeling is typically likened to motion sickness, just to be particular.

Other symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety, depression, and other psychological effects
  • Sudden dislike for specific tastes and smells that can lead to the stomach churning
  • Hunger pangs which usually occur after episodes of nausea

In most cases, it doesn’t pose real harm to you or your unborn child. But if left unchecked, you could lose serious weight loss and end up dehydrated.


What causes morning sickness?

The causes of morning sickness are still a mystery. However, there’s no shortage of possible factors that may directly or indirectly cause it. Knowing these factors might help you cope and come to grips with the changes occurring within your body.

Some of the factors that could be at play are:

  • An uptick with the level of pregnancy hormone hCG.
  • An increase in the levels of estrogen and progesterone, which also acts as muscle relaxants. A relaxed digestive tract may result in inefficient digestion.
  • Changes in metabolism.
  • Increased amount of saliva (which is normal when you’re pregnant) that increases the feeling of nauseousness.
  • Blood pressure fluctuations, especially lowered blood pressure.
  • Pregnant women have more sensitive brains and therefore are more likely to respond to the triggers of the hormonal changes.
  • Stress can upset your gastrointestinal organs.
  • First-time pregnant bodies may be unprepared for the fluctuation of hormones it’s going to experience.


What are the ways to relieve morning sickness?

As doulas, we speak from experience. Trust us, there are many ways for you to feel relief from morning sickness. Here are some of them: 

  • Stay away from strong smells and fragrances that may trigger nausea.
  • Use lightly scented detergent for your clothes.
  • Don’t take any drugs of any kind unless prescribed by a doctor who knows you are pregnant
  • Start your day by eating a few plain, dry, and slightly sweet crackers or biscuits.
  • If you think a certain type of food will make you feel nauseous, stay clear from that food. Generally speaking, high-carbohydrate meals are the go-to.
  • Mood swings will affect your appetite. However, it is always advised to eat regularly even at smaller portions. An empty stomach will more likely trigger nausea.
  • It may help to avoid cooking or preparing foods. If you have no option, it will be better if you microwave your food and open your windows as you prepare. Microwaving your meal will cause it to produce fewer and weaker odor.
  • Observe proper oral hygiene. Keeping your mouth clean will reduce the risk of queasiness.
  • Drink as much as you can. Typically, most types of beverages are allowed. However, it is always best to consume water.
  • Vitamin B6 supplements can help you.However, consult your doctor first if you are allowed to take these supplements and what dosage you should take.
  • Consider acupressure or acupuncture on the wrist. Sea-band wristlets, Sense Relief, PsiBands and other acupressure wristbands are now widely available at health and food stores. You can also go for battery-operated wristbands like Reliefband.
  • Do not wear clothes that will constrict your abdomen.
  • Do not move around as much as possible. Moving around may aggravate your stomach and trigger morning sickness.


Other things you should keep in mind when it comes to morning sickness relief

When it comes to meals specifically, consuming less food more often will do wonders for your tummy. Try having morning and afternoon snacks in between meals and grab a bite before bed if your stomach can handle it. Eat more protein-rich food and cut the spicy and fatty ones out.

It’s also best to avoid drinking liquids with food. Drink water before and after meals and aim for 8 glasses of water daily (or more, if possible). Carbonated water and ginger or peppermint tea can also help you settle your stomach and relieve nausea.

Besides all the tips we’ve mentioned above, one of the most important things you can do to help yourself is to visit your health care provider. Schedule and attend check-ups regularly during pregnancy. Always seek expert opinion and advice especially if your morning sickness starts to get severe. 


When should you consult your doctor about morning sickness?

Severe morning sickness, known as hyperemesis gravidarum, is typically associated with severe vomiting for extended durations. When this happens, it is strongly advised to get treatment from a hospital. To prevent this from happening, consult your physician about your morning sickness once you notice these signs and symptoms:

  • Dehydration
  • Very dark urine
  • Sudden or extreme weight loss
  • Blood in vomit
  • Extreme fatigue

Besides regular visits to the hospital, there are plenty of other ways you can make your life as a pregnant woman easier. For example, you can hire a well-trained doula to assist you throughout your pregnancy journey.

Doulas of the Valley will provide equally skilled and loving care to families in Maricopa County that it has offered New York families for nearly 20 years.

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