
Pacifier Weaning


Pacifier Weaning

Pacifier weaning can be difficult! It can be challenging because little ones get so attached to their pacifiers and even create names or terms of endearment for their little paci friends. There are almost 200 different names for pacifiers and each family has something different.

Contrary to popular belief, the real fun begins when the binkies and pacis are put away and the pacifier weaning begins.

However, as we all know, necessity is the mother of invention and finding a way to free your baby from the binky is no exception!

When it comes to pacifier weaning, it is best to get creative in order to ease the transition and put less stress on your little ones (and the parents as well!) The idea here is to make it fun and sort of inconspicuous. If your little ones are onto you and your pacifier weaning tactics, it’ll never work! Here are some creative solutions for weaning the paci.


The Binky Fairy

If you have never heard of the Binky Fairy before, she visits your little one while they sleep every night and removes the pacifier. Instead of having nothing, the fairy leaves little presents that make your little one excited to wake up to. One by one, the pacifiers disappear with little tears!

In all honesty, whoever thought of this deserves an award for most creative. Parents, at the end of this you will be experts at maneuvering late-night, pitch-black paci-taking like a ninja! Of course that succeeds a couple stubbed toes.


Pay with Pacifiers

Another fun and creative way to wean your baby from using pacifiers is to utilize your pacifier collection as collateral. Round up all of those pacies and put them in a ziplock bag, then take your toddler shopping! Let them pick something they like at the store and let them trade pacifiers for toys. Make this transaction as ‘legit’ as possible!

Don’t let them sense your fear!

Plant a Pacifier Tree

Bury the bad habit – literally!

Take your tiny best friend into the backyard or front yard and dig a hole together. Bury the pacifier right into the ground and mark the place so it’s easily identifiable. Let them know that a good deed helps your pacifier tree grow into a big tree!

Whenever you get a chance, actually plant a tree or bush that flowers beautifully. The instant gratification will keep suspicions at bay and you can even classify this as you doing some gardening.

When times get tough – and they will – stay strong! You know your children better than anyone, you’ve got this.

Soon enough, there will be no more binkies! If we can help you, hit us up!

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