
Stress-Free Tips for Flying with a Newborn and How a Travel Doula Can Help


Stress-Free Tips for Flying with a Newborn and How a Travel Doula Can Help

Air travel is the fastest and, according to the IATA, the safest way for long-distance travel. You are safer flying in a commercial airplane than riding in a train, car, or motorcycle. In fact, if you fly every day of your life from the east to the west coast or vice versa, you would need to live 19,000 years before being involved in an accident onboard a plane.

That is a huge relief, especially for an anxious flyer, wouldn’t you agree? 

However, anxiety levels about flying increase a million-fold when you are a mom traveling with your newborn baby, infant, or child. After all, you cannot just focus on yourself and your requirements. You also have to attend to the flight and travel requirements of your newborn. And if you were concerned about safety when it was just you traveling, flying safely and stress-free takes on a whole different meaning when you are traveling with a newborn.

Plus, add to the fact that some things like missing flights or late airplane arrivals may happen. You’ll be able to adjust to these unfortunate occurrences, but we can’t expect newborns to do the same! So you can expect them to cry, get restless, and so on. And sometimes no matter how hard we try, there are instances when we can’t make babies stop crying or relieve them of their restlessness. In short, newborn babies and air travel can be an ordeal.

But don’t worry. You do not have to be at the mercy of the unpredictability of traveling with a baby. Keep on reading as we discuss ways to make traveling with a newborn as stress-free as possible!


Tips to minimize stress when traveling with a newborn

Before anything else, do take note that according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, flying with a newborn soon after birth is not encouraged unless absolutely necessary. There are no guidelines however to what constitutes necessary air travel for newborns so it is left to the discretion of individual passengers. It is best to talk to your doctor for any concerns you may have if you have to fly with your newborn immediately after you give birth.

Now, on with the tips!


Tip 1: Make a list of what you should bring.

The first thing you should do is to make a list of the things that you need to do and prepare, what to have on-board and what you need for your travel. That way, you can always look at the list to make sure you have everything you need for yourself and your baby. The last thing you want is for you to be cruising altitude while frantically searching for say, your baby’s earplugs only to realize it is not on your list and that you left them at home, right?


Tip 2: Consult with your pediatrician.

Planes are a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, and viruses that your newborn can easily catch. Remember, your newborn’s immune system is still developing. They do not have as much protection against illnesses or infections the way we do.

Always consult with your pediatrician before you fly so your newborn can get clearance for air travel. Some airlines may also require newborns to have medical clearance from a doctor, so might as well get it!


Tip 3: Check with airlines on newborn travel regulations and procedures.

It is a good idea to give your airlines a call before you book your flight or days prior to departure. Find out if they have regulations or restrictions regarding the allowable age for children to fly. As there is no recommended age for air travel for babies, airline regulations may vary.

If the airline will allow you to travel with your newborn, you can also ask them for special facilities or concessions (if they have any) for those traveling with newborn babies. For example, they may provide airline bassinets, or allow on-board inflatable seat extension. It is also advisable to inquire if they offer sleeper seats for travelers with newborn babies.

You may also want to check regulations regarding hand-carrying expressed milk, water, or baby powder, and any fluid-like substance like gels that your newborn may need on board. 


Tip 4: Choose the best seat for your needs.

When traveling with a newborn, you have to choose the seat that will afford you and your baby comfort and convenience throughout the flight. Seats that have more legroom are ideal. We don’t recommend aisle seats when traveling with an infant since you face the possibility of airplane food carts bumping into passengers or hot liquids dripping (and possibly splashing the baby) when the food is served.


Additional helpful tips

Perhaps one of the most difficult parts of the travel is when you are already on board and the aircraft is about to take off. If you find ear pressure during take off uncomfortable, your newborn will likely feel even worse! And when they feel that, their tendency is to cry because that is how they communicate.

One thing you shouldn’t forget to ask your airline is if you would be allowed to carry your baby during takeoff and landing for them to feel a sense of safety. Oh and remember the earplugs we mentioned earlier? They help relieve pressure on your baby’s ears, so really, don’t forget them. 

And of course, when you have to feed the baby, again, ask your airline if you would be allowed to breastfeed or bottle feed if ever your baby gets hungry during take off. But if you can feed the baby before then, do it so that they can be sleeping comfortably before the plane takes off.


Can a travel doula help make things easier?

You may not have considered it but having a doula with you during travel may be one of the best decisions you can make to have a stress-free travel experience with your newborn. A doula is an experienced and trained birth companion that offers pre-delivery and post-partum services and support to pregnant moms and families.

A travel doula will be there for you and your family as you hop on a plane to, say, visit grandparents who are excited to meet their grandchild or for that much-needed vacation. Having your travel doula around relieves you of the responsibility of attending to so many things as you are assured that the needs of your newborn (as well as your own) are addressed.

In short, having a travel doula with you can make the journey with your newborn a pleasant experience with the informational, physical and emotional support they provide. It is like having a second mommy for your newborn during the trip!


Book one of our travel doulas today!

Any of Doulas of the Valley’s travel doulas can provide excellent newborn care during your trip. This means you and your family will get the support and extra eyes and hands that you need to make your travel experience a breeze.

Get one of our travel doulas so you can have a relaxing time with your newborn and your family – and that’s something we guarantee!

Doulas of the Valley will provide equally skilled and loving care to families in Maricopa County that it has offered New York families for nearly 20 years.

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