The Importance of Sleep in Pregnancy & How Doulas Can Help
Sleep deprivation has consequences for all of us, especially pregnant women. Pregnant women who sleep less than 6 hours at night were 4.5 times more likely to have a C-section. They also average 10 hours or more of labor.
Sleep becomes even more important when you are sleeping for two. So why is it that expectant moms find it so difficult to get a good night of rest and sleep?
Of course, you can always get help so that you don’t have a hard time sleeping. That’s where a doula, a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother even before childbirth, can come in to help you deal with this problem.
If you are considering the services of a doula to be there for you during your pregnancy journey, keep on reading. In this article, we will discuss the importance of sleep while you’re pregnant, as well as how a doula can help you.
Pregnancy trimesters and sleep
Why is getting good quality sleep a challenge during pregnancy? Well, your body goes through major changes such as growing belly, aches, pains, heartburn, frequent urination, and restless legs syndrome. That’s why even if your body needs more sleep while you’re pregnant, it does not come easy!
You have to understand that as your body moves through the various pregnancy stages, a lot of changes happen that may affect sleep. Let’s take a closer look.
During the first trimester
In the first trimester, a spike in progesterone will make you feel more exhausted and drowsier during the day but unable to sleep a night. As a soon-to-be-mom, expect sleep patterns to be disrupted. To help you cope with insomnia during the early stage of pregnancy, indulging in daytime naps is recommended.
During the second trimester
The second trimester will offer some sleep relief for you. In this trimester, your hormones will not be giving you as many problems. As other changes in your body become more pronounced (such as your growing belly), this period is a good time to get into the habit of getting used to a good sleeping position, regular bedtime, and a sleep-inducing environment.
During the third trimester
As you enter the last trimester of your pregnancy, sleep deprivation comes back with a vengeance. You will find it hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. Hormonal changes such as high levels of estrogen may lead to rhinitis. This causes snoring and obstructive sleep apnea which leads to a restless night of sleep.
How are pregnant women affected by the lack of sleep?
So what happens when you’re an expectant mom deprived of sleep?
Well, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but lack of sleep may lead to pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia. This condition is characterized by high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and swelling in the extremities. This in turn may lead to eclampsia which is a health risk for moms and babies.
Sleep deprivation may also lead to gestational diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, and inadequate blood and oxygen flow affecting a baby’s development.
See the reason why sleep is important? That’s why if you need help, we recommend getting a doula.
How can doulas help sleep-deprived moms?
As mentioned above, a doula is a professional who can give you plenty of support. How exactly can a doula help you when you are sleep-deprived? Here are a few ways.
A doula can give you information on how to sleep better
As a pregnant woman, you already have a lot of things to think about and could really use the support of having a knowledgeable and experienced sounding board for your concerns. If you have been sleep-deprived for some time now, it would be good to ask your doula how you can sleep better.
An experienced doula can discuss ways for you to get better quality sleep. For example, you’ll learn that the best position for pregnant women is sleeping on your left side with your legs slightly curled. This position is not just a matter of comfort for you but facilitates the flow of blood and oxygen to your baby.
Your doula can also help you manage sleep disruptions by telling you what to avoid if you really want to sleep. It’s really little things that can help, like making sure to keep lights dimmed just before bedtime or keeping things quiet to induce feelings of relaxation. Also, refraining from using electronic gadgets in your bedroom helps to avoid sensory stimulation that can obstruct sleep.
Physical support for better sleep
An advantage of having a doula is that they can be there for you to help you physically cope with your pregnancy concerns, including lack of sleep. After all, knowing how to sleep better and doing it are different things altogether.
An experienced doula can be physically present to help promote good quality sleep throughout your pregnancy. A visit to your home by your doula can help create an environment for relaxation and sleep. It would be good if you can find a nearby doula that can pay you a visit to really help you out.
Your doula can help set up your bedroom to make sure that it is dark during bedtime and to set a comfortable sleeping temperature. Your doula can check for any distractions in your room that may affect your sleep. And aside from helping you settle into the best sleeping position, your doula can also help you practice relaxation techniques.
Be a source of emotional support
During pregnancy, you are not just dealing with the physical changes in your body. Hormonal changes that regulate emotions, along with the anxiety, excitement, uncertainty, and stress of being an expectant mom can wreak havoc on your emotional state, affecting your sleep. Having someone by your side other than your spouse or partner to provide you with emotional support would definitely be most welcome.
Think of a doula as having a mom, best friend, and spouse or partner all rolled into one. Doulas understand what pregnant moms go through. Their training and years of experience providing sensitive and non-judgmental support are invaluable resources for moms like you.
Doulas know how to be a calm and steady presence for sleep-deprived moms dealing with changes in their bodies and various emotions. And sometimes, just knowing that someone is looking out for you when everyone is caught up with their lives already brings comfort.
Avoid sleep deprivation with the help of Doulas of the Valley.
As you take care of your baby in your belly, make sure that you are cared for yourself. And if your physical and emotional health and well-being are already adversely affected by lack of sleep, it is good to seek the support of a doula for a better birth experience and outcome.
Doulas of the Valley can be there for you. Our trained and experienced doulas can provide you with deeply personal, sensitive, and non-judgmental informational, physical, and emotional support to help you sleep better.
We’d love to hear from you and help you with any sleep challenges you may have. Contact us today!